your zodiac today

SCORPIO (October 22 to November 21)>>

You are silent, meaning the limit of patience was running out. Over time you begin to saturated and bored with the bad habits of people who you respect. Be sincere and accept the shortage is the best way out. Are there other options?
Occupation: Match jobs.
Finance: Find another business.
love: Limits of patience.

* Sagittarius (November 22-December 22)>>


Small problems do not you exaggerate just because your partner does. It is better to correct yourself first before blaming others. The Pity She's so loyal, patient and understanding. You imbangi, dong!
Occupation: Lazy.
Finance: New Issues
love: Imbangi the Him.

Readmoreyour zodiac today

Capricorn - Goat Males (December 22 to January 20)

Quiet, Hard working and ambitious, Materialist, Prestige High, Enjoys Commanding, manipulate Like
Other People

The Capricorn is very strong. The goat is always eager to achieve and strive for something. They have a strong desire and commonly used to achieve a sense of security.
They are very solid in taking steps like Mountain Goats.
Work capacity and confidence is huge. They are fully alert and rarely ask for help from others. They prefer to do everything yourself. They'd better be a slave to myself than someone else, because they do not trust other people when doing their job.
ReadmoreCapricorn - Goat Males (December 22 to January 20)

Sagittarius - Archer (November 23-December 21)

Adventurous souls, Clever, Enjoys Freedom, Independent, clever diplomacy, broad-minded

The figure of Sagittarius is an honest, frank, energetic and resourceful carried himself. They reach the destination because it has a positive mind, however, their ideas are often difficult to understand. They like to conclusions without gathering the facts first.
ReadmoreSagittarius - Archer (November 23-December 21)

Scorpio - Scorpion (October 24 to November 22)

Intellect Long, Quiet, vindictive, Persistence, diligence

The Scorpio is a vigorous, emotional and possessive. They are hardworking and a perfectionist; they always look at life from the bitterness. They do not like weakness both in themselves and in others.

They are very generous and loving and always defend the weak. They are good at keeping secrets and have a strong instinct. Its appeal is in his eyes that can attract people with their magnetic strength. Scorpio can be a faithful, but also a dangerous enemy. They are full of personal ethics and sticking to the rules they believe are in their lives.

The Scorpio helpful, faithful make people feel lucky to know him on his side. If you are on the side opposite to him, then he will be vindictive and cruel enemy. Few people can realize the true ability of the Scorpio for his quiet and humble about what they have achieved.
Scorpio is a person who always keep their promises and rarely take back the words that have come out of their mouths. They were careful and intelligent observer to measure the situation. They have not been involved in situations without good preparation, therefore they always become a formidable competitor. They are always willing to help the weak, full of information and intelligence to keep a secret.

Love of Scorpio:
Scorpio is the zodiac's most sensitive. They were passionate, faithful and very romantic. They will not be involved in a relationship without first investigating to determine whether the choice was a loyal and honest person. If yes, then it will show the personal side he's been hiding. They are very jealous if you find something that is suspected without good reason. Nothing can hurt the feelings of the Scorpio except cheated and betrayed by her partner.

Lucky numbers: 2, 9, 16, 27, 32, 47
Lucky Flowers
: Grown-thorny vine
Lucky Color: Dark Red
Luck Stone: Stone-Blood Stone The Color Red
Luck Element
: Water
Couples Match: Taurus

ReadmoreScorpio - Scorpion (October 24 to November 22)

Libra - Scales (September 23 to October 23)

Full Doubt, hesitation, Adil Clever two-faced, Having Instinct Strong, Fascinating

very charming, unpredictable, and has a high intelligence that cirri Libra. They can cooperate and fair, but full of vacillation and always looking for inner peace.

They are always worried in this day and always do anything to satisfy their needs. They like working together than working alone. They thirst for knowledge and have a great interest in the field of social and psychological. They appear as a peacemaker obtaining and rarely easy to get angry, but when angry, they can make others around him shook with fear.
ReadmoreLibra - Scales (September 23 to October 23)

Virgo - Girls (August 24 to September 22)

Practical, analytical, critical, level-headed and logical, Diligent, Simplified

Virgo is the analyzer and administrators a reliable organization.
They want things done perfectly, and always get attention from all around because of the perfection and efficiency. They were very good in terms of criticizing the work of others.
Virgo admire the technological developments and very fond of the delicious cuisine. However, they do not forget to dieting. Their dexterity and ability to coordinate exceeds the average. His manner was full of emotion, but sometimes good. Virgo always appear neat, clean and vibrant. They have a high taste but conservative. Virgo clever set of other people but once he does not like to be arrogant toward others.

ReadmoreVirgo - Girls (August 24 to September 22)

Leo - Lion (July 23 to August 23)

Enjoys Lead, Generous And Generous, Full Force, aristocratic, arrogant, High Confidence

Leo is known as the tall, dignified and very dramatic, they were brave, colorful, and like to be the center of attention. They worked diligently within the organizational structure and clever divide tasks. Their plans are rarely heard but always fascinating. They are confident and forthright in stating what they feel.

Sometimes they are easy to anger. They have courage and never cheat. Leo has an amazing self carriage, so draw the attention of many people. Leo very open person, it is difficult for them to hide their feelings and themselves.

ReadmoreLeo - Lion (July 23 to August 23)