your zodiac today

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SCORPIO (October 22 to November 21)>>

You are silent, meaning the limit of patience was running out. Over time you begin to saturated and bored with the bad habits of people who you respect. Be sincere and accept the shortage is the best way out. Are there other options?
Occupation: Match jobs.
Finance: Find another business.
love: Limits of patience.

* Sagittarius (November 22-December 22)>>


Small problems do not you exaggerate just because your partner does. It is better to correct yourself first before blaming others. The Pity She's so loyal, patient and understanding. You imbangi, dong!
Occupation: Lazy.
Finance: New Issues
love: Imbangi the Him.

* Capricorn (December 23 to January 18)>>

No need to panic when suddenly given task. You should be able to master the job if they want to say managed by supervisors. If in doubt, and the lazy, you will feel the consequences. Moreover, your fate is at stake.
Occupation: Do not panic.
Financial: Lack of passion.
love: Keep going.

* Aquarius (January 19 to February 21)>>

You love the job now even though many people lack confidence in your ability. Just do what was ordered during the fair are still within limits. Would not you need a job?
Work: Need a job.
Finance: Distributes funds.
love: Immerse heart.

* PISCES (February 22-March 21)>>

Your attitude to mirror your real nature. In this fast damping retry your emotions are always explosive. Especially advice that should be given to you, it looks like people getting bored.
Occupation: muffled emotions, dong!
Finance: According to the promise.
love: Broken spirits.

* Aries (March 22-April 21)>>

Your work was criticized even by your coworkers results are already working standards. Understood just protest because wherever you work, there are people like that. Just show your ability to perform repairs.
Jobs: Make repairs.
Finance: Symbols triumph.
love: There's still a sense of

* TAURUS (April 22-May 23)>>

Time to show high morale despite the fasting month. You do not know the words to work tired because you still have power. Do not imitate those who choose lazing on the grounds of fasting.
Occupation: High Morale.
Finance: Pay compensation.
love: Just wishful thinking.

* GEMINI (May 24-June 21)>>

Your feelings do not be fooled. You're lazy to work when required to complete the task. While a partner, you also do not feel like communicating. Until when are you going mad?
Occupation: Lazy work.
Finance: Less revenue.
love: Anger continues, here.

* CANCER (June 22-July 23)>>

Not bad either prejudiced against other people because there is not necessarily bad intentions in their hearts. Very wise to accept all decisions gracefully. Go with it, nothing is in vain, really, in this life.
Occupation: Prejudice bad.
Finance: Jualan.
love: A lot of constraints.

* LEO (July 24 to August 22)>>

Your co-workers including the helpful friends. No word stop to help in your life. Sunday is also your job to help a friend in adversity. You deserve to be a model employee.
Occupation: Lightweight hand.
Finance: Need help.
love: Make lessons.

* Virgo (23Agustus - 22 September)>>

Your relationship is not well in the week. Especially when you start to show serious intent. The couple was not asked for the concentration of positive things. Try again next week, who knows her better moods.
Occupation: Brave forward.
Finance: Need help.
love: Attempted again.

* Libra (September 23 to October 22)>>

Time to knit relationship that had drifted apart last week. Do not be too forward if the ego wants to bear a sweet relationship. Forget about the small mistakes made Si He. You also never been wrong right?
Occupation: Go with it.
Finance: Reduce spending.
love: Knitting relationship.

Zodiac, Zodiac Week